Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Volunteer Views Blog will be Merged with the Stone Gate Farm Blog

With the new and improved website most of the information that was previously on this blog will now be available on the website.  All blog entries will now only be on the Stone Gate Farm blog.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Stone Gate Farm Horse Trials Volunteer Schedule

Greetings SGF Volunteers,

Thank you all for volunteering at the Stone Gate Farm Horse Trials; we couldn't run these events without you!! Thank very much.  Please be sure you receive your SGF bucks as a small token of our appreciation.
Please confirm that you received this e-mail and include your cell number so we make a cell phone list.  Keeping your comfort in mind we will be allowing volunteers to drive to their assignments.  You will however be asked to check in at the house first and then be given instructions. 

For those who haven't been to the farm before or haven't been here in a while click here for a Google map for directions and a satellite map of the farm which you may find helpful.

Driving Directions:
  • scribes will drive down with their judges
  • paddock - one car will drive down Schneider Rd.turn into the warm up field before the drive to stabling
  • park parallel to the stone wall close to the pond
Show Jumping:
  • go down Schneider Rd. and turn down the drive past the dressage rings
  •  if there is a test going on in the arena next to the drive, you must wait until it's over.  Also the drive is one way and PLEASE do not drive on the neighbors hay fields
  • go past the stabling barns and when going through the gate turn left and drive through the grass area and park on the grass at the east end facing the arena near a small group of trees
  • the initial warm up is in the hay field to the south of the show jumping area.
Cross Country:
  • there are directions listed below
  • Cross Country maps can be found  HERE. Please look at the maps to find your assignments so you have a better idea of where you're going which will ease the chaos before the start of cross country
If you are a new volunteer or you haven't done so in awhile go the the SGF Volunteer page and scroll down to the bottom for links to helpful information for the various volunteer positions including the jump judges instruction booklet.  Dressage Scribes: we will be doing the B tests for all levels with the exception of Starter which will be riding Beginner Novice Teas A.  If you would like to review the tests before Sat click here

Below is the volunteer schedule listed alphabetically and below that is a list of the jump judge assignments for Sat and Sun.  If you don't see your name I messed up but I'm sure we can find something for you to do ;) If you can't make it at your scheduled time please let me know ASAP.   Please remember to bring a chair, rain gear ( to keep any precipitation away) and what ever else you need to keep yourself comfortable.  We will provide drinks, snacks and a sandwich from to food vendor.

Thank you all very much for volunteering and if we all collectively keep our fingers crossed hopefully we'll have great weather.


                            Volunteer Schedule by Last Name 
First Last Phase Job Day Time
Christine Breanna's friend Cross Country Jump Judge Sun Briefing 8:00
Brooke  Burchianti Starter XC Jump Judge  7 & 8 Sat 3:30 - 4:15
Joy  Campbell Dressage Paddock 2 Sat 8:15 - 2:30
Wendy Campbell Show Jumping Paddock Sat 9:45
Joy  Campbell Cross Country Paddock Sun 9:00 Start Time
Karen Chandell Dressage & XC Announcer Sat  
Karen  Chandell Cross Country Controller Scribe Sun  
Anne-Claire Christiaen Starter XC Jump Judge  5 & 6 Sat 3:30 - 4:15
Carroll Crowl Scoring   Sat / Sun 9:00 - end
Anthony DelSavio Cross Country Jump Judge Sun Briefing 8:00
Jason DelSavio Cross Country Jump Judge Sun Briefing 8:00
Megan Feltrup Cross Country Jump Judge Sun Briefing 8:00
Stephanie  George Cross Country Jump Judge Sun Briefing 8:00
Jane Gillespie Cross Country pick up score sheets Sun 9:00 - 1:30
Meridith Girardey Starter XC Jump Judge  7 & 8 Sat 3:30 - 4:15
Ashley Gruber Dressage Scribe Ring 1 Sat 8:15 - 2:30
Karen Heinsens Show Jumping Scribe/Scorer Sat 9:45 - 4:00
Pam  Helbling Scoring   Sat / Sun 9:00 - end
Mary Kay Hluch Cross Country Jump Judge Sun Briefing 8:00
Jessica Jenna's friend Cross Country Jump Judge Sun Briefing 8:00
Anna Joerdnt Dressage Runner / Shuttle driver Sat 9:00 - ?
Patty  Keim Cross Country Jump Judge Sun Briefing 8:00
Chris  Kennedy Cross Country Timer Sun 9:00 Start Time
Laura Kosiorek Starter XC Jump Judge 1,2,3,4 Sun 3:30 - 4:15
Lauren Mansky Show Jumping Jump Crew Sat 10:00
Terry Mansky Dressage Scribe Ring 2 Sat 8:15 - 2:30
Grace  Patterson Cross Country Jump Judge Sun Briefing 8:00
Jinny Pfeiffer Show Jumping In Gate / Announcer Sat 9:45
Jinny Pfeiffer Cross Country Jump Judge Sun Briefing 8:00
Jack Ray Cross Country Starter Sun 9:00 Start Time
Claire  Rowlands Cross Country Jump Judge Sun Briefing 8:00
Amanda  Sample Cross Country Jump Judge Sun Briefing 8:00
Marianna Schafer Cross Country Jump Judge Sun Briefing 8:00
Susan  Schnitke Cross Country Jump Judge Sun Briefing 8:00
Holly  Sell Cross Country Jump Judge Sun Briefing 8:00
Kristin  Semegen Dressage Paddock 1 Sat 8:15 - 2:30
Noell Sivertsen Show Jumping jump crew Sat when available
Kevin Smith Show Jumping Jump Crew Sat 10:00
Kevin Smith Starter XC Starter / Timer Sat 3:30 - 4:15
Kevin Smith Cross Country Computer Scoring Sun 9:00
Jena  Sorely Cross Country Jump Judge Sun Briefing 8:00
Breanna  Stubblefield Cross Country Jump Judge Sun Briefing 8:00
Karah Toth Cross Country Jump Judge Sun Briefing 8:00
Molly  Tubbs Cross Country Controller Sun 9:00 Start Time
Molly  Tubbs Show Jumping Jump Crew / Out Gate Sat 9:45
Molly  Tubbs Starter XC Control / Finish Timer/JJ Sat 3:30 - 4:15
Gabbie Van Scoy Starter XC Jump Judge 1,2,3,4 Sat 3:30 - 4:15
Taylor  Walton Cross Country Jump Judge Sun Briefing 8:00
Laura Woods Cross Country Jump Judge Sun Briefing 8:00

                                                       Sat Jump Judge Assignments

Level # Fence Jump Judge
S 1 Garden Log  
S 3 Between the Trees Kevin & Laura
S 2 Red Panel Gabbie
S 4 Rails & bales  

S 5 Feeder  
S 6 Pavilion Log Anne Claire 

S 7 Palisades Brook Burchanti 
  8 Roll Top Meredith Girardy

S 9 Locust Timbers Tower
S 10 Hogs Back  

S   Finish Timer Molly Tubbs

Sunday Jump Judge Assignments
Level # Fence Jump Judge Comments Driving Instructions
Prelim 1 Log & Mums      
Train 1 Log & Mums

Take Schneider Rd. past the day parking & take the
Nov 1 Log & Mums Starter
west drive pull 
Beg Nov 1 Log & Mums      

Level # Fence Jump Judge Comments Driving Instructions
Prelim 2 Harvest Stand   remove rail after Prelim  
Train 2 Harvest Stand Karah Toth
Park in day parking lot or walk
Nov 2 Harvest  Stand Claire Rowlands remove rail after Novice  
BN 2 Harvest Stand      

Level # Fence Jump Judge Comments Driving Instructions
Prelim 3 Roundtop Mary Kay Hulch Tower  
Train 3 Bench Laura Woods    

Level # Fence Jump Judge Comments Driving Instructions
Prelim 4 Treeline Log
may circle in between all jumps  
Prelim 5 Narrow Rolltop
but it has to be intentional Take Schneider Rd. past the day parking & take the
T 4 Cabin Anthony & Jason
west drive pull way off to the side of the round bales.
T 5 Treeline Log DelSavio
Nov 3 Stone Wall

BN 3 Stone Wall      

Level # Fence Jump Judge Comments Driving Instructions
Prelim 6 Big Blue
be sure to check out the option   
Prelim 7ABC Bank Combo/Option
on Prelim B/C  
T 6 Mulchtop Table  
T 7ABC Bank Combo Susan Schnitke The feeder gets loweder after Take Schneider Rd. past the day parking & take the
Nov 4 Mulchtop Table Holly Sell each level west drive back to the bank complex
Nov 5 Down Bank  
Nov 6 Feeder

BN 4 Mulchtop Table

BN 5 Feeder

BN 6 Down Bank      

Level # Fence Jump Judge Comments Driving Instructions
Prelim 8 Pavilion Bench

T 8 Pavilion Breanna Stubblefield
Take the drive past the main barn & announcers tower
Nov 7 Pavilion Christine
Stay on grass so as to not damage electric & speaker
BN 7 Roll Top     wires.  Pull off the side of the drive

Level # Fence Jump Judge Comments Driving Instructions
Prelim 9 Big Log

Prelim 10AB Ditch Uphill Log
will have to move for each level
T 9 Hay Wagon Megan Feltrup
Take Schneider Rd. past the day parking & take the
T 10 Hay Wagon

west drive.  At the bottom of the hill turn left.  Please 
Nov 8 Up Bank Grace Patterson
stay out of the hay field
Nov 9 Brush

Please do not block drive and no vehicles in the hay fields
BN 8 Up Bank

BN 9 Panel   remove brush in the middle after Novice

Level # Fence Jump Judge Comments Driving Instructions
Prelim 11 Cordwood

Prelim 12 Narrow Palisades

Prelim 13 Boulders Jena Sorely
Take the drive past the main barn & announcers tower
T 11 Cordwood Jessica
Stay on grass so as to not damage electric & speaker
T 12 Faux Corner

wires.  Turn left into the pasture just before you would 
T 13 Stone Wall

start to go down hill
Nov 10 Bench

BN 10 Bench

BN 11 Rock Garden      

Level #
Jump Judge Comments Driving Instructions
Prelim 14 SGF Barn

Prelim 15 Leap of Faith Laura Wood Tower
T 14 Leap of Faith

Nov 11 Leap of Faith Mary Kay Hulch

Nov 12 Uprooted

BN 16 The Uphill      


Level # Fence Jump Judge Comments Driving Instructions
Prelim 16AB Water to Roundtop

Prelim 17 AB Out of Water/Roundtop

Prelim 18 Butterfly Garden Patty Keim
T 15AB Water to Roundtop

T 16 Stone Wall Marianna Shaffer
Drive down Schneider Rd. & pull in at the corner. 
Nov 13AB Water to Roundtop

Nov 14 Butterfly Garden

BN 14 Butterfly Garden

BN 15 Water or Log Option      

Level # Fence Jump Judge Comments Driving Instructions
Prelim 19 ABC Timber Coop/Ditch/Timber Coop

Prelim 20 Palisades

Drive down Schneider Rd and take the drive back to 
T 17AB Ditch / Timber Coop Jinny Pfiffer
stabling and pull into the pasture near the food booth
T 18 Palisades

Nov 15 Hogs Back Taylor Walton

Nov 16 Ditch

Nov 17 Timber Coop

BN 12 Ditch

BN may jump eoter ditch
BN 13 Hogs Back    

Level # Fence Jump Judge Comments Driving Instructions
Prelim 21 Steeplechase
remmove blocking after Prelim  Take drive past house and turn into pasture just past 
T 19 Steeplechase Stephanie George to lower brush cordwood.  Move north for Novice finish
Nov 18 Table Amanda Sample
BN 17 Roundtop     Park near back yard for BN finish